
Posts Tagged target marketing

Gain a 360 Degree View of Your Farm

Gain a 360 Degree View of Your Farm

Identifying niche opportunities in your target areas is just one of the powerful functions that Ticor Live Farm serves. By utilizing Lead Farming targeting you are able to focus in on one demographic to maximize your farm to the greatest potential! Quickly Identify: Farm Grade Multi-Property Owners Anniversary

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5 keys to gaining maximum listing exposure

5 keys to gaining maximum listing exposure

Ticor Live Farm provides high level lead farming capabilities by maximizing your farming efforts to save you time and money! These 5 key steps are proven to get you ahead of the game and positioned to take your farming to the next level! 1. Add your circle prospecting

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How to maximize marketing to your living farm

How to maximize marketing to your living farm

Did you know that the rate of undeliverable postcards can average up to 10%? That means for every 100 postcards you mail, 10 could be returned as wasted marketing dollars. When you use Ticor Live farm, your farm is always up to date! The data is constantly

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Three ways to improve the quality of your FARM lists

Three ways to improve the quality of your FARM lists

Static FARM lists by nature become less accurate over time as people move and property ownership changes. With Ticor Live Farm, you will gain a competitive edge with our farm analytics and automated live farm updates. Automate updates to your lists Keep all farm lists together in

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Looking for Intelligence on Your Sphere of Influence List?

Looking for Intelligence on Your Sphere of Influence List?

Did you know that Ticor Live Farm can automatically update your sphere of influence list? Because Ticor Live Farm is a “Live-Farm” system, when someone on your list moves, your list will dynamically reflect the change showing the new owner. This feature provides intelligence on your sphere and

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Is Your FARM Process Ready For A Facelift?

Is Your FARM Process Ready For A Facelift?

Has your FARM become Stagnant? Ticor Live Farm is an automated way of organizing your focused areas of prospecting and marketing. If your answer is YES to any of the questions below, Ticor Live Farm can help you. Is geographic FARMing and prospecting a part of your business

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Ticor Title Mid-Valley

315 SE Commercial St.
STE 150
Salem, OR 97301

Phone: 503-585-1881

Fidelity National Title Group

Ticor Title is a part of FNTG, the nation's largest title insurance and escrow services company. FNTG WEBSITE...

Ratings and Claims Paying Ability