In Honor of Women’s History Month, I’d like to honor Women and Real Estate.
Did you know women have made some incredible strides since the 70’s. These are just a FEW reasons why we should tell our grandmas thank you.
- Women in the U.S. were not allowed to finance real estate purchases without a husband or male co-signer before 1974. Today, women actually outpace men in homeownership.
- While the majority of real estate agents today are female, in 1908, when the National Association of Realtors was founded, the group was 100 percent male.
- The first woman to join NAR was Seattle broker Corrine Simpson, who became a member in 1910., and by 1975, a third of its membership was female.
- NAR named its first female president in 1992, Dorcas T. Helfant-Browning, a native of Chesapeake, VA.
Thankfully, women have achieved high levels of real estate–related success since then, both as homebuyers and as industry professionals. Here are some impressive figures in the history of women in real estate.
Did you know?
- 62% of all Realtors are female.
- 61.9% of property managers are female.
- 10.9% of construction industry professionals are female.
- 24% of architects are female.
- 83.9% of interior designers are female.
- 19% of single homebuyers are female.
Now, Let’s do a little TITLE TALK.
Today, many women work in the title and escrow industry; in fact, we dominate the industry. However, that wasn’t the case until the 1920s.
- Did you know that when the American Land and Title Association (ALTA) was first established in 1907?
- It was called the American Association of Title Men.
- They changed that in 1923, and ALTA had its first female president in 2000.
But hey ladies, how can we do better for each other, to each other to continue making MORE STRIDES? Be a True Feminist and help the process:
“No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” John Maxwell
- Build, Create and OBTAIN High-level leadership positions in EVERY sector of our industry.
- Increasing our presence in the lender and construction sector.
- Start by never forgetting and THANKING the women that paved the way for you, for us.
- Find a mentor. Thank your mentor.
- Then, turn around and support and empower the ladies behind you.
- Do not withhold your gifts and expertise.
- Double your knowledge by passing it on.
- AND lastly, teach those ladies, do the exact same but better.
For the true measure of progress, will be driven by the continuous investment in each other. ~ Piatt